Honor Guard Protocol
American Legion Post 580 Honor Guard/Color Guard is proud to serve the Legion and its members. In order to facilitate this service, protocol and policy have been established as to use of the Guard.
The Guard is available for funerals of paid up American Legion Post 580 members at the request of the family. The Guard will stand post during visitation/wake and will provide a detail the day of the funeral to fire a salute at the cemetery.
The Guard will carry the colors in parades, post colors, retrieve colors and be available for other community ceremonies as the resources of the Guard are available. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
Chanhassen 4th of July parade.
Veterans’ Day ceremonies.
Memorial Day ceremonies.
Parades in surrounding communities who request Guard support.
Speeches to local community groups regarding veteran issues.
Presentations on a variety of subjects as requested by community groups such as the Boy and Girl Scout, Cub Scout and Brownies, local schools and churches.
Anyone interested in requesting the Honor Guard/Color Guard should email their request in care of the following email: honorguard@alpost580-chanhassenmn.org. They may also call the Legion at (952) 934-6677 to log their request. All requests should contain contact information so the Sergeant at Arms can call to confirm Color Guard/Honor Guard participation and get further specifics as to the event.